



Before getting started, you will need to install Node.js, and ensure that your Node.js version is higher than 16.2.0. We recommend using the LTS version of Node.js 18.

You can check the currently used Node.js version with the following command:

node -v

If you do not have Node.js installed in your current environment, or the installed version is lower than 16.2.0, you can use nvm or fnm to install the required version.

Here is an example of how to install the Node.js 18 LTS version via nvm:

# Install the long-term support version of Node.js 18
nvm install 18 --lts

# Make the newly installed Node.js 18 as the default version
nvm alias default 18

# Switch to the newly installed Node.js 18
nvm use 18
nvm and fnm

Both nvm and fnm are Node.js version management tools. Relatively speaking, nvm is more mature and stable, while fnm is implemented using Rust, which provides better performance than nvm.


It is recommended to use pnpm to manage dependencies:

npm install -g pnpm@8

Modern.js also supports dependency management with yarn and npm.


@modern-js/create provides an interactive Q & A interface to initialize the project based on the results, with initialization performed according to the default settings:

Create consumer

npx @modern-js/create@latest modern-consumer

Create provider

npx @modern-js/create@latest modern-provider

Install plugins

Module Federation provides a matching plugin @module-federation/modern-js for Modern.js.

pnpm add @module-federation/modern-js

Set Module Federation Configure


1. Create configuration file

Create a module-federation.config.ts file in the project root directory and write the following content:

import { createModuleFederationConfig } from '@module-federation/modern-js';

export default createModuleFederationConfig({
  name: 'provider',
  filename: 'remoteEntry.js',
  exposes: {
    './Image': './src/components/Image.tsx',
  shared: {
    react: { singleton: true },
    'react-dom': { singleton: true },

2. Apply plugin

Apply @module-federation/modern-js in modern.config.ts :

import { appTools, defineConfig } from '@modern-js/app-tools';
import { moduleFederationPlugin } from '@module-federation/modern-js';

export default defineConfig({
  runtime: {
    router: true,
  server: {
    ssr: {
      mode: 'stream',
    port: 3006,
  plugins: [appTools(), moduleFederationPlugin()],

3. Create need to be exposed component

Create the file src/components/Image.tsx with the following content:

import React from 'react';
import styles from './Image.module.css';

export default (): JSX.Element => (
      backgroundColor: '#1ee9c1',
      color: 'lightgrey',
      padding: '1rem',
      style={{ marginBottom: '1rem' }}
      onClick={() => alert('[remote-components] Client side Javascript works!')}
      Click me to test i'm interactive!
      style={{ width: '100px' }}
    <button className={styles['button']}>Button from remote</button>

And create the corresponding style file, the content is as follows:

.button {
  background: red;


1. Create configuration file

Create a module-federation.config.ts file in the project root directory and write the following content:

import { createModuleFederationConfig } from '@module-federation/modern-js';

export default createModuleFederationConfig({
  name: 'consumer',
  remotes: {
    remote: 'provider@http://localhost:3006/mf-manifest.json',
  shared: {
    react: { singleton: true },
    'react-dom': { singleton: true },

2. Apply plugin

Apply @module-federation/modern-js in modern.config.ts:

import { appTools, defineConfig } from '@modern-js/app-tools';
import { moduleFederationPlugin } from '@module-federation/modern-js';

export default defineConfig({
  runtime: {
    router: true,
  server: {
    ssr: {
      mode: 'stream',
    port: 3007,
  plugins: [appTools(), moduleFederationPlugin()],

3. Type hint

Add /// <reference types='@module-federation/modern-js/types' /> to the modern-app-env.d.ts file to get the runtime @modern-js/runtime/mf type support.

+ /// <reference types='@module-federation/modern-js/types' />

Add paths in tsconfig.json to get the producer's type:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "paths": {
      "*": ["./@mf-types/*"]

4. Consume provider

Modify the entry page (src/routes/page.tsx) and reference the components provided by the producer. The content is as follows:

import ProviderImage from 'remote/Image';
import './index.css';

const Index = () => (
  <div className="container-box">
    <ProviderImage />

export default Index;

CSS flickering issue

Start the project and visit http://localhost:3007/ and find that SSR is working normally and the page can be rendered normally, but there will be a problem of style flickering.

This is because the producer's style files cannot be injected into the corresponding html.

This issue can be solved by using the createremotessrcomponent provided by @module-federation/modern-js.

import { createRemoteSSRComponent } from '@modern-js/runtime/mf'
import './index.css';

const RemoteSSRComponent = createRemoteSSRComponent({
  loader: () => import('remote/Image'),
  loading: 'loading...',
  export: 'default',
  fallback: ({ error }) => {
    if (error instanceof Error && error.message.includes('not exist')) {
      return <div>fallback - not existed id</div>;
    return <div>fallback</div>;

const Index = () => (
  <div className="container-box">
    <RemoteSSRComponent />

export default Index;

After modifying the page and revisiting it, you can observe that the returned html will be automatically injected with the producer's style file, thereby solving the CSS flickering problem.