Bridge Overview


Bridge is a utility function provided by Module Federation for loading application-level modules. "Application-level modules" are modules that can run like applications, with framework rendering capabilities and routing abilities. With Bridge, you can render your application in different frameworks and ensure that routing between applications works collaboratively. This is particularly useful for micro-frontend applications.



@module-federation/bridge-react is suitable for React framework types, currently supporting React v16, v17, and v18 versions.

This toolkit provides two APIs:

  • createBridgeComponent

Used to create React application-type module exports. If your application is React-based and you want it to be loaded as an application-type module by another MF application, you should use this to create standard-compliant exports for your application.

  • createRemoteComponent

Used to load application-type modules in a React application. The loaded module must be wrapped by createBridgeComponent. createRemoteComponent will automatically create a rendering context in your application to ensure the module works properly.

For usage of @module-federation/bridge-react, see Host demo and Remote demo.


@module-federation/bridge-vue3 is suitable for Vue framework types, currently supporting Vue v3 version.

This toolkit provides two APIs:

  • createBridgeComponent

Used to create Vue application-type module exports. If your application is Vue v3-based and you want it to be loaded as an application-type module by another MF application, you should use this to create standard-compliant exports for your application.

  • createRemoteComponent

Used to load application-type modules in a Vue application. The loaded module must be wrapped by createBridgeComponent. createRemoteComponent will automatically create a rendering context in your application to ensure the module works properly.


Why Bridge?

Bridge is mainly used to solve two problems:

  • Cross-application framework (React, Vue) loading and rendering
  • Support for loading modules with routing (routes can work well together)

These two issues are important features in "micro-frontend frameworks"

How to solve if there's no bridge provided for a specific framework?

Currently, Module Federation provides official bridge toolkits. If you need bridge toolkits for other frameworks, you can provide feedback through issues, or refer to the existing Bridge implementation.

The implementation of Bridge is very simple, with the core based on DOM rendering. Here's some pseudocode:

Exporting module

export default function () {
  const rootMap = new Map<any, ReactDOM.Root>();
  return {
    render(info: { dom: HTMLElement; basename?: string; memoryRoute?: { entryPath: string; } }) {
      const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(info.dom);
      rootMap.set(info.dom, root);
        <App />,
    destroy(info: { dom: HTMLElement }) {
      const root = rootMap.get(info.dom);

Loading module

const LazyComponent =  React.lazy(async () => {
  const m = await loadRemote('remote1/export-app');
  const providerInfo = m.default;
  return {
    default: () => {
      const rootRef = useRef(null);
      const providerInfoRef = useRef<any>(null);

      useEffect(() => {
        const providerReturn = providerInfo();
        providerInfoRef.current = providerReturn;

        return () => {
            dom: renderDom.current,
      }, []);
      return <div ref={rootRef}></div>;

function Component () {
  return (<React.Suspense fallback={<div>loading</div>}>
  <LazyComponent />