Failed to generate type declaration.

  • Error Code: TYPE-001


When compiling the exported (exposes) file TS type, the current project's tsconfig.json will be used. If the configuration file is missing some properties, the build type will fail.


  1. Delete the node_modules/.cache/mf-types directory
  2. Execute the cmd command in the error message parameter in the terminal, and repair the file or tsconfig according to the error message.

If you want to ignore the type check error in ts, you can set compilerOptions.noCheck to true in tsconfig.json (This option is only supported for ts 5.5 and above)

If the cmd command is executed without an error, but the error TS compilation fails is still reported, you need to check the exposes field in ModuleFederationPlugin:

new ModuleFederationPlugin({
    // Make sure all keys start with "./"
    exposes: { './Foo': './src/<path-to-file>/Foo.tsx' },