
The shared configuration is used to share common dependencies between consumers and producers, reducing the runtime download volume and thus improving performance. shared allows you to configure rules for reusing dependency versions. You can learn more about the scenarios where shared is applicable and how to use shared through the FAQ.

  • Type: PluginSharedOptions
  • Required: No
  • Default: undefined

The PluginSharedOptions type is as follows:

type PluginSharedOptions = string[] | SharedObject;

interface SharedObject {
  [sharedName: string]: SharedConfig;

interface SharedConfig {
  singleton?: boolean;
  requiredVersion?: string;
  eager?: boolean;
  shareScope?: string;
  • Example
new ModuleFederationPlugin({
  name: '@demo/host',
  shared: {
    react: {
      singleton: true,
    'react-dom': {
      singleton: true,


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false

Whether to allow only one version of the shared module within the shared scope (singleton mode).

  • If set to true, singleton mode is enabled; if set to false, singleton mode is not enabled.
  • If singleton mode is enabled, the shared dependencies between the remote application components and the host application will only be loaded once, and a higher version will be loaded if the versions are inconsistent. A warning will be given for the party with the lower version.
  • If singleton mode is not enabled, and the shared dependencies between the remote application and the host application have different versions, each will load their own dependencies.


  • Type: string
  • Required: No
  • Default: require('project/package.json')[devDeps | dep]['depName']

The required version, which can be a version range. The default value is the current application's dependency version.

  • When using shared dependencies, it will check whether the dependency version is greater than or equal to requiredVersion. If it is, it will be used normally. If it is less than requiredVersion, a warning will be given in the console, and the smallest version available in the shared dependencies will be used.
  • When one party sets requiredVersion and the other sets singleton, the dependency with requiredVersion will be loaded, and the singleton party will directly use the dependency with requiredVersion, regardless of the version.



Setting eager to true will package the shared dependencies into the entry file, which may result in a large entry file size. Use with caution.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false

Whether to immediately load the shared module.

Under normal circumstances, you need to enable lazy entry, and then asynchronously load shared modules on demand. If you want to use shared but do not want to enable lazy entry, you can set eager to true.


  • Type: string
  • Required: No
  • Default: 'default'

share scope name, default value is 'default' .


When to use shared dependencies

Consuming modules across projects often encounters issues such as duplicate dependency loading and singleton restrictions. These issues can be resolved by setting up shared.

  • (Consumer Consumption) The third-party packages used in the modules provided by the producer are widely used in the consumer, such as lodash.get
  • (Consumer Consumption) The third-party packages used in the modules provided by the producer have singleton requirements, such as react
  • (Consumer Consumption) The third-party packages used in the modules provided by the producer are used in the consumer, have a large dependency volume, and do not support tree shaking, such as lodash (not used on demand)
  • (Consumer Consumption) The third-party packages used in the modules provided by the producer are used in the consumer, have a large dependency volume, support tree shaking, but the exposed modules are all used, such as antd

At this point, you can add the corresponding dependencies to the shared configuration.

How to use shared dependencies

Depending on the use case, Module Federation supports two forms of shared dependency configuration: array and object. The former is suitable for most scenarios, while the latter is suitable for complex customization needs.

Array Format (General Scenario)

Simply add the corresponding dependencies to the shared configuration in the Module Federation build configuration, for example:

new ModuleFederationPlugin({
  name: '@demo/button',
  shared: ['react', 'react-dom'],

Object Format (Customized Configuration)

Add the shared dependencies in the shared configuration of the Module Federation Plugin, with the key being the dependency name and the value being the provided configuration.

new ModuleFederationPlugin({
  name: '@demo/button',
  shared: {
    react: {
      singleton: true,
      requiredVersion: '~18.2.0',
      fixedDependencies: true,