
The experiments configuration is used to enable experimental capabilities in the plugin.

  • Example
new ModuleFederationPlugin({
  name: '@demo/host',
  experiments: {
    federationRuntime: 'hoisted'
  shared: {
    react: {
      singleton: true,
    'react-dom': {
      singleton: true,


  • Type: enum
  • Required: No
  • Default: false
  • Options: false | "hoisted"

Hoisted Runtime

When Runtime is hoisted the following happens:

This is useful configurations that need:

  • runtimeChunk: single

  • no import() in the user code

  • the runtime packages of module federation are moved into the runtime chunks and out of the entrypoint.

  1. Optimizations

The module-federation/runtime is patched onto entrypoints. This causes multiple copies to exist in some builds. It also causes some "eager consumption" errors when chunk splitting is configured in certain ways.

This resolves a common issue with runtimeChunk: single

  1. Async startup

This mode allows for async startup. When exporting a UMD library, it can return a promise resolving to the export.

If you manually require() an entrypoint in Node, it sets module.exports to Promise.resolve(exports).

Entrypoint startup will switch to "active" initialization and use async dependency startup.

You will no longer need a mandatory import('./bootsrtap') dynamic import in order for consumers / hosts to function. There should be no "eager consumption" errors possible, as the initialization of the files themselves behave as async chunks.

  1. Eager Runtime Access

Instead of federation runtime initilizing in the entrypoint code, it is initialized in a RuntimeModule, within the webpack runtime. This allows module federation to be avaliable ahead of time, thus enabling "Async Startup" capabilities etc.